FutureWrap composite repair systems have been developed and qualified to ISO24817 to provide a long term integrity solution to a whole host of damage mechanisms that occur onshore, offshore within the oil & gas, energy and renewable sectors. These damaged mechanisms include internal and external corrosion / erosion, through wall defects, cracking, CUI and mechanical damage. The repairs can be applied to all component types or pipework and pipelines, caissons and risers and also structural components, including decks. FutureWrap systems are also compatible with Stainless , Carbon steel , Duplex , Super Duplex and Cunifer.
The range of FutureWrap repairs are designed to optimise performance (maximum pressure, maximum and minimum temperature and also chemical resistance) with ease of installation.
FutureWrap has ABS approval with a Product Design Assessment (PDA) for FutureWrap composite repair products against the ASME standard PCC-2 Article 4.1.
The following lists the individual repair systems within the FutureWrap repair range detailing the performance range and other technical details. If you require any further information please get in touch.